11 Guide Lines for quality
- We want satisfied customers. Therefore, one of our first company goals is superior quality of our products.
- The standard for our quality is set by the customer.
- Our goal for quality always is "zero defaults" or "100% accurate".
- Our customers not only judge the quality of our products but also their on-time delivery.
- Inquiries, quotations, samples, complaints etc., are to be taken care of in a thorough and prompt manner. Commitments have to be kept without fail.
- Every employee of the company contributes to the realization of our quality goals. Therefore, faultless work is expected from the trainee to the president.
- Each task must be performed correctly from the very beginning.
- Not only the mistakes but also their causes have to be eliminated. Avoiding mistakes is more important than correcting them.
- We also expect the highest quality from our suppliers.
- Achievement of our quality goals not only requires constant self-supervision by the employees, but also their suggestions for improvement.
- Our quality guide lines are binding. Additional demands of our customers must be considered.