Any technical solution for straightening relies on knowing what the required roller positions are. If this knowledge is not available, it has to be worked out, but this subjective process involves high costs resulting from the time, material, labour and energy involved. From both the economic and technical standpoints, this situation is untenable.
To address the problem, WITELS-ALBERT has set itself the goal of creating a best possible virtual representation of the roller-type straightening process, so that the roller positions can be calculated a priori. As has been shown in numerous straightening trials, this goal can be accomplished by simulating the roller straightening process. Simulation is based on a theoretical model of the elastic-plastic alternating deformation of a process material and the link between bending moment and curvature, which can be defined for every bending operation which is performed in the straightening equipment. To create a simulation of the process, knowledge of the process material characteristics and the geometric characteristics of the particular straightening unit is required.
Given the large variety of applications for straightening units, the diversity of types and models, and the varying objectives of differentiated straightening processes, it is often desired that the simulation process can be moved directly into the wire manufacturing or processing environment. The operators themselves should be given the tools to calculate the required positions of the rolls.
To address the complexity of process simulation, a web based service has been developed, which produces results that allow even an inexperienced operator to determine roll positions, so that a defined level of production quality can be achieved.
The web based service is How2Straight.com. That is revolutionary new. Unique.
How2Straight.com calculates and visualizes the roll adjustment data considering the specified process material properties (wire diameter, yield point, modulus of elasticity) and the individual type of roller straightening unit. The user interface provides appropriate input fields and buttons for this purpose.
Do you have problems with adjusting straightening units? Do you waste time, material, labour and energy for finding the right settings of straightening units? If so, then use our service How2Straight.com.